Construction and Real Estate
The real estate sector in Malawi is growing steadily and is one of the key growth sectors contributing to GDP.
The popular segments of the real estate sector include housing, offices, and recently farmlands.
In the housing segment, the demand for housing units is driven by the growing annual rate of urbanization estimated at 6.3 percent, as well as economic growth.
Current institutions responsible for provision of housing are not able to meet the growing demand.
The sectoral contribution to GDP of the agricultural sector over the past few years, with estimation for 2021 and projections for 2022 and 2023
Sectoral contribution to GDP (%)

The annual percentage growth rate of the agricultural over the past few years, with an estimation for 2021 and projections for 2022 and 2023
Annual percentage growth rate (%)

The investment opportunities in construction and real estates services sector include
Housing units for middle class
The emergence of the middle class, though still small, demands decent accommodation which is not being met
Construction and upgrading of networks and infrastructure for railways, bus terminals and water transport
Office accommodation
With the growth in private sector investments and NGO services, the demand for office accommodation continues to rise
Construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of water supply systems
Shopping malls
The current shopping malls do not meet the levels of demand